Posts by Umut KARAGÖZ


When Oedipus was born to King Laius and Queen Jocasta of[…]

The Psychological Impact of the Mongol Conquest on Baghdad

This event is perhaps one of the most discussed topics in[…]

The Fall of Baghdad to the Mongols: A Tragic Chapter in History

In the shadow of resplendent arches, envoys approached the court of[…]

Rorschach Inkblot Test

For nearly a century, ten inkblots like these have been utilized[…]

Last Days of Heinrich Himmler

On May 21, 1945, at a checkpoint in Northern Germany, a[…]

Sandra Layne Case

On February 9, 1938, Sandra Maxine Layne was born in West[…]

Character Analysis: Darrien O’Connor (Baby Reindeer)

Darrien O’Connor is a psychopath and paedophile who enjoys manipulating people,[…]

Do OXTI character cores have a gender?

Erena, Arona, Ispro and other characters have no gender. When their[…]

Bad Erana

Bad Erana refers to the negative and destructive aspect of Eranas[…]