Category: NEWS

Understanding Autism Spectrum Disorder: Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Management

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental condition characterized by social interaction and communication difficulties, alongside restrictive and repetitive behaviors and interests. The term “spectrum” reflects the wide range of presentations, from severe disability to cognitive strengths. Historically, terms like Asperger syndrome were used to describe individuals with higher functioning or higher IQ, but these […]

Understanding PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder): Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition that develops after exposure to trauma. This trauma can range from violence, injury, and death (such as in war) to sexual assault, the threat of injury, natural disasters, and childhood abuse. It is estimated that up to 80 percent of people will experience a traumatic event […]

Understanding Schizophrenia: A Comprehensive Overview

Schizophrenia is a mental disorder characterized by impairments in perceiving reality, accompanied by significant changes in behavior. The term “schizo” means split, and “phrenia” means mind in Greek, but it is important to clarify that schizophrenia is not the same as split personality, which is a separate condition. Schizophrenia affects how people think, feel, and […]

Bipolar Disorder: Understanding and Managing the Extremes

Bipolar disorder is a mood disorder characterized by alternating periods of depressive symptoms and elevated mood, termed either hypomania or mania. While most people experience normal ups and downs, the range of moods in bipolar disorder is much greater, featuring extreme highs and lows. Depressive and Manic Symptoms Depressive Symptoms According to the DSM-5, depressive […]

Characteristics of Group Therapy

Group therapy helps clients in several important ways, and understanding these mechanisms provides a central organizing principle for effective therapeutic practice. Here are the most important aspects of how group therapy benefits clients: Group Therapy Benefits Interpersonal learning: Group therapy provides a social microcosm in which clients can explore and reflect on their interpersonal behaviors […]

Psychological Analysis of the Painting

Analyzing a painting from a psychological perspective involves exploring the emotional and mental processes behind the artwork, as well as its impact on the viewer. This type of analysis can provide insight into the artist’s state of mind, the symbolic meaning of the elements within the painting, and the emotional responses it evokes. The artist’s […]

Psychokinetics of Character Pyramid

Another important subject is psychokinetics. Psychokinetics is precisely related to the Reality Layer, which is the top layer of the pyramid. The Reality Layer reflects reality itself and serves as the main bridge between reality and the mind. Everything that functions within the Reality Layer affects Psychokinetics. Psychokinetics shows the process and flow of reality […]

Aniden ve Yoğun Bir Şekilde Ortaya Çıkan Tehlike veya Kıyamet Hissi

Panik atak ve panik bozukluğunun yaygın bir semptomudur. Genellikle yaklaşan bir felaket hissi, bunaltıcı bir korku veya dehşet duygusu veya korkunç bir şeyin olmasına inanma olarak tanımlanır. Bu duyguya aşağıdakiler de dahil olmak üzere çeşitli diğer fiziksel ve psikolojik semptomlar eşlik edebilir: Fiziksel semptomlar: Hızlı kalp atışı Çarpıntı Terleme Titreme Nefes darlığı Göğüs ağrısı Mide […]

Grup Terapisi Nedir?

Grup terapisi, genellikle benzer sorunları olan kişilerin bir araya geldiği bir terapi türüdür, ancak farklı deneyim ve geçmişlere sahip bireylerin de katılımına açıktır. Bu çeşitlilik, grup üyelerinin farklı bakış açıları ve çözüm yolları öğrenmelerine olanak tanır. Grup terapisinde bir terapist rehberliğinde, katılımcılar duygusal ve psikolojik iyileşme süreçlerine katkı sağlamak için deneyimlerini paylaşır ve birbirlerinden destek […]

A Comparison of the Characteristics of Different Clusters of Personality Disorders

The DSM-5, or the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition, is a manual published by the American Psychiatric Association. It provides diagnostic criteria and descriptions for mental disorders, including personality disorders. The term “personality” is used to describe a person’s characteristic patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving that persist over time and […]