Self-Assessment Survey: Find Your OXTI Core – Personality Traits and Preferences

Welcome to our comprehensive self-assessment survey designed to explore various personality traits and preferences. This survey, also known as the The character pyramid of Dr. Karagöz consists of a series of statements related to different character types, each representing unique attributes and behaviors. You are invited to evaluate how accurately each statement describes you by selecting the appropriate level of suitability. Your responses will help us gain insights into your personality and how it aligns with different character archetypes. Please take your time to reflect on each statement and answer honestly. Your feedback is valuable in understanding the diversity of human traits and preferences.

Not Suitable at All 0
Slightly Suitable 1
Suitable 2
Very Suitable 3


For each statement, please choose the option that best describes you:


0 1 2 3
1. I place great importance on my intuitions.
2. Balancing logic and intuition is very important to me.
3. I act with a sense of justice and truth.
4. My ideals are shaped by a combination of my emotions and logic.
5. I trust my insights (intuitions) and they influence my decisions.
6. I strive to turn my ideals into reality.
7. I am passionately attached to creativity and new experiences.
8. I prefer sacrifice over personal interests.
1. I make quick decisions and immediately implement them.
2. My emotions greatly influence my thoughts and behaviors.
3. I act with a desire to own and achieve.
4. Trust is the cornerstone of my relationships.
5. I enjoy environments where I can act spontaneously.
6. I am outgoing and supportive of others.
7. I aim to inspire and guide others.
8. I love being the center of attention.
1. Knowledge is very important to me.
2. I have a natural curiosity and desire to acquire knowledge.
3. Learning is a dynamic process that keeps me constantly engaged.
4. I try to explain concrete facts with abstract theories.
5. I constantly produce new ideas and creative solutions.
6. Curiosity guides my intellectual pursuits.
7. I value observation and scientific analysis.
8. I approach problems with a critical and analytical perspective.
1. Trust is very important to me.
2. I am meticulous and cautious in my actions.
3. I try to create environments where I will feel safe.
4. I exhibit unexpected sudden behaviors under a lot of stress.
5. I have a high capacity to take calculated risks.
6. I scrutinize before making a decision.
7. I learn from past mistakes and avoid taking risks.
8. I trust intellectual and ethical qualities in my decisions.
1. I pursue my passions with determination.
2. I am not traditional or ordinary.
3. I focus on my ideas and innovations.
4. I am persistent towards my goals.
5. I form deep connections with the things I care about.
6. I am adventurous and spontaneous.
7. I seek new experiences and opportunities.
8. I aim to persuade myself and others to my plans.
1. I form strong emotional bonds with my environment.
2. I prioritize love and support in my relationships.
3. I am generous and sincere towards people.
4. I have a warrior spirit for my loved ones.
5. Environmental factors significantly affect my emotions.
6. I meticulously record the actions of others.
7. I have excellent management skills.
8. I aim to be the most loved and appreciated person.
1. I classify information as right or wrong.
2. I prioritize my principles.
3. I make clear judgments about people I just met.
4. I advocate for equality and justice.
5. I set strict rules and standards.
6. I reward exemplary behavior and criticize nonconformity.
7. I value respect and appreciation in relationships.
8. I aim to maintain social order.
1. I shape my emotions as concrete and isolated facts.
2. Interaction with others is not very important to me.
3. I am protective and careful about sharing what I have.
4. I form direct emotional bonds with objects.
5. My main focus is material possession and protection.
6. I prefer limited interaction and communication.
7. Protecting the object is more important than obtaining it.
8. I am content with staying in my central world.
1. I define success according to the expectations of my environment.
2. I am ambitious in achieving what I want.
3. I set concrete, tangible goals.
4. I am determined and resilient.
5. I gain motivation from competition.
6. Being appreciated by others is important to me.
7. I prefer to associate with people who appreciate me.
8. I aim to be at the center of my environment.
1. I shape my mental world according to environmental factors.
2. The environment is both a tool and a goal for me.
3. I live by accepting the universal truths I have created.
4. I prioritize environmental sensitivity.
5. Analyzing and shaping environmental factors is very important to me.
6. My inner peace is achieved in harmony with environmental factors.
7. I seek my own environmental peace beyond universal truths.
8. Correct environmental evaluation is necessary for my happiness.
1. I have a desire to gain power.
2. I take determined steps to take control.
3. I prefer practical ways to organize things.
4. I form emotional bonds with the group I am in.
5. I am dominant in my relationships.
6. I impose my own truths to maintain control.
7. I have a warrior spirit.
8. I manage the resources necessary for the group I am in.
1. Independence and freedom are at the center of my life.
2. I seek new experiences and opportunities.
3. I spread positive energy.
4. I avoid restrictions and limitations.
5. I am supportive and pragmatic.
6. I do not compromise on my boundaries and comfort.
7. I am creative and confident.
8. I try to maintain harmony in chaos.

This table allows you to rate each statement from 0 to 3, where 0 means “Not Suitable at All,” 1 means “Slightly Suitable,” 2 means “Suitable,” and 3 means “Very Suitable.”



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