Author: Umut KARAGÖZ

Bipolar Disorder: Understanding and Managing the Extremes

Bipolar disorder is a mood disorder characterized by alternating periods of depressive symptoms and elevated mood, termed either hypomania or mania. While most people experience normal ups and downs, the range of moods in bipolar disorder is much greater, featuring extreme highs and lows. Depressive and Manic Symptoms Depressive Symptoms According to the DSM-5, depressive […]

John Mearsheimer’s Dialogue on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

John Mearsheimer, a prominent political scientist, argues several key points regarding the Israel-Palestine conflict and the broader Middle East situation: John Mearsheimer, in his talk at the Center for Independent Studies, provided a comprehensive analysis of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, focusing on its origins, current status, and potential future outcomes. Mearsheimer argued that Israel has failed […]

What is Erana Mania?

Erana Mania Erana Mania is a psychological state experienced by individuals with an Erana character type when their central core becomes dysfunctional and their ego inflates. In this state, Eranas exhibit the following characteristics: Distorted Self-Perception: They see themselves through a distorted mirror, often feeling excessively valuable and grandiose. Loss of Environmental Support: Their support […]

True Self & False Self

Donald Winnicott, a prominent British psychoanalyst and pediatrician, introduced the concepts of the “true self” and the “false self” to explain the development of individual identity and emotional health. True Self The true self represents a person’s authentic and spontaneous self, which emerges from genuine experiences and feelings. It is the core of one’s identity […]

Freudian Analysis of the Movie Chucky – Child’s Play Series

Introduction to Freudian Analysis Sigmund Freud, the father of psychoanalysis, proposed theories that explore the unconscious mind and the psychological conflicts that influence human behavior. In analyzing the Child’s Play series, particularly the character of Chucky, we can apply Freudian concepts such as the uncanny, the id, ego, and superego, and repression to gain a […]

Terrifying Puppets: Exploring the Dark Psychological Depths of Horror’s Most Chilling Characters

In the eerie world of horror cinema, few elements evoke as much dread and fascination as the sinister puppet. These seemingly innocuous objects, brought to life by the imaginations of filmmakers, have a unique ability to tap into our deepest fears and anxieties. From the malevolent Chucky in “Child’s Play” to the haunting Annabelle from […]

Characteristics of Group Therapy

Group therapy helps clients in several important ways, and understanding these mechanisms provides a central organizing principle for effective therapeutic practice. Here are the most important aspects of how group therapy benefits clients: Group Therapy Benefits Interpersonal learning: Group therapy provides a social microcosm in which clients can explore and reflect on their interpersonal behaviors […]

Psychological Analysis of The Painting: You Never Could Sleep

Painter: Jay Senetchko Name: You Never Could Sleep Let’s start by interpreting the background, then we can share our thoughts on the matter.  Brown is often associated with warmth, comfort, and stability. A brown wallpaper background can evoke feelings of safety and reliability. It can have a grounding effect, making the viewer feel secure and […]

Psychological Analysis of the Painting

Analyzing a painting from a psychological perspective involves exploring the emotional and mental processes behind the artwork, as well as its impact on the viewer. This type of analysis can provide insight into the artist’s state of mind, the symbolic meaning of the elements within the painting, and the emotional responses it evokes. The artist’s […]