Posts by Umut KARAGÖZ

Psychological Analysis of The Painting: You Never Could Sleep

Painter: Jay Senetchko Name: You Never Could Sleep Let’s start by[…]

Psychological Analysis of the Painting

Analyzing a painting from a psychological perspective involves exploring the emotional[…]

Symbol of Arona: Eagle

The symbol of Arona is the eagle, because the eagle represents[…]

Psychokinetics of Character Pyramid

Another important subject is psychokinetics. Psychokinetics is precisely related to the[…]

Psychodynamic of Character Pyramid

According to Dr. Karagöz, the psychodynamic character pyramid describes the functioning[…]

Aniden ve Yoğun Bir Şekilde Ortaya Çıkan Tehlike veya Kıyamet Hissi

Panik atak ve panik bozukluğunun yaygın bir semptomudur. Genellikle yaklaşan bir[…]

Panik Atak ve Panik Bozukluğu

Genel Bakış Panik atak, aniden ve beklenmedik şekilde ortaya çıkan, yoğun[…]

Grup Terapisi Nedir?

Grup terapisi, genellikle benzer sorunları olan kişilerin bir araya geldiği bir[…]

Character Analysis: Hannibal Lecter (Silence of The Lambs)

Hannibal Lecter is a fictional character created by American novelist Thomas[…]