Psychokinetics of Character Pyramid

Another important subject is psychokinetics. Psychokinetics is precisely related to the Reality Layer, which is the top layer of the pyramid. The Reality Layer reflects reality itself and serves as the main bridge between reality and the mind. Everything that functions within the Reality Layer affects Psychokinetics. Psychokinetics shows the process and flow of reality functioning.
Psychokinetics of Character Pyramid
The relationship of this flow to other layers and its effect on them is one of the structural features of psychokinetics. In fact, the structure that most influences psychodynamics, because even the slightest change in reality strongly influences psychodynamics, either directly or indirectly, that is, the relationship between layers.

To explain this with an example, a person who has not experienced any psychic trauma will be directly affected throughout his or her life by any major destruction that he or she encounters in real life, such as an earthquake, bankruptcy, or something similar. This means that the person’s psychokinetics can then affect other layers, such as psychopathology, a layer of psychodynamics, potentially causing conditions such as depression and anxiety. This in turn begins to affect other layers.

For example, this person may have been more energetic, with the red tone being stronger in the color layer, but suddenly this could turn to blue.




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